Score Card – OPEPA


Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) came in to existence as a registered society on 30th January 1996. The School & Mass Education(S & ME) department in the Government of Odisha has the responsibility to achieve the goals of Universal Elementary Education (UEE). The S & M E deptt. Operates through two agencies namely Directorate of Elementary Education (DEE) and Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) to realize the goals of UEE. While DEE manages the entire manpower of teachers, inspectors & administrators, OPEPA implements the flagship program of SSA in the entire state. There are about 65.29 lakhs children studying in about 65712 educational institutes.

Project Overview – Scorecard

The objective of OSEPA is to analyze, develop and scrutinize the education system and child education and ensure that proper education is provided to children along with all the facilities like proper infrastructure, sanitation, reading materials, meal schemes, grants etc. The district scorecard will be launched with the objective of increasing accountability within the system and to drive efforts of districts to improve the overall quality of the schooling system by generating competition within districts.

Key Features

This proposed system has following sections – Mobile APP

  • School Scorcard based on KPI
  • Location wise Indicator
  • Rank based performance Monitor

Tool & Technology

Linux OS ,Tomcat Server ,Bootstrap, SpringMVC, Native Android ,PostgresSQL ,email& SMS integration  

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